Recent stories reveal millennials are drinking less and doing fewer hard drugs. Instead, they’ve taken up magic mushrooms.
Their most popular self-reported benefit is better mental health.
Maybe 10 to 15 percent of my clients plan on microdosing. It’s definitely up from when I first started selling mushrooms.”Another dealer observed people are buying more magic mushrooms. But that also return customers are consuming them more slowly.And one dealer even carries around his scale for psilocybin users who want to measure out smaller amounts.There’s a growing number of people dedicated to education on psilocybin use. Everything from growing magic mushrooms to psilocybin therapy for conditions like treatment-resistant depression.Here’s everything about the safe use of psilocybin-assisted treatment.
Psilocybin Therapy 101: The Basics

What is Microdosing?
Microdosing entails taking small doses of psychedelic drugs like psilocybin.In pharmaceutical terms, microdosing is the minimum effective dose. This is typically between a tenth and half the average amount.The idea is to take the lowest possible dose of psilocybin. And the aim is to get the desired effects without triggering any negative side effects.Users have integrated psilocybin therapy into their lives for benefits that include:- Higher productivity
- Increased energy and focus
- Boosted creativity
- Less stress
- Manage treatment-resistant depression and anxiety disorders
How Do I Microdose?
A typical protocol involves taking a small dose every three days for a period of one or two months. Users should take a break to integrate and measure the therapeutic effects before resuming.Once you have a routine, we recommend you microdose in the morning. Then take two or three days off between doses.Microdose should be taken every third or second day—another way to approach micro-dosing is to do five days on and two days off. Otherwise, you may build a tolerance.How Do I Know If Microdosing Is Working?
Trust us, you’ll notice the change. Anything from a euphoric sensation to feeling more connected to the world around you is a good sign.Don’t expect anything too dramatic. The effects of microdosing are very subtle. So you may only notice it’s working upon reflection.But heightened awareness, enhanced creativity, and better emotional control are common effects.I’ve battled with social anxiety most of my life. Microdosing psilocybin has given me the ability to connect on a deeper level with people. I never thought this was possible.” – Nick. H
What Are the Side Effects of Psilocybin Therapy?
You should only experience negative side effects if you go beyond one microdose. Despite this, the side effects will be non-threatening. Find a complete list of side effects for different doses here.A microdose ideally and usually triggers feelings of positivity, however, too much may increase anxiety and poor mood, impair cognition and produce hallucinations.Again, these experiences are very rare. But when they do occur, the effects don’t go beyond a few hours.The Microdoser’s Tool Kit
In general, the ideal way to take shrooms is via non-shroom forms. Why? Mushrooms naturally have a bad taste and the strength may be hard to predict.A Reputable Dealer

A Scale

A Grinder


- Weigh magic mushrooms
- Grind them into powder form
- Place the powder into gel capsules
- Capsules – Capsules also lack the bitter taste of mushrooms. This is an excellent option for beginners because the capsules are pre-measured. So you just pop a pill at the start of your day and you’re good to go.
- Gummies – Maybe ingesting capsules is a bit hard for you. Then gummies are another great option. They also happen to be our tastiest product.
- Soon, we’re adding Chocolates to our tasty list!

I’ve tried lots of products on the market and they seem very inconsistent when it comes to dosage and quality. Mind Mend has never let me down. Top-notch quality with consistency.” – Bruce Ingraham
Psilocybin Therapy and Mental Health: Treatment for Depression
There had been little research on magic mushrooms for years. It was almost rare if not taboo to commission a clinical trial to study this powerful psychedelic.But that changed in August 2018. That year researchers that affirmed the benefits of psilocybin-assisted therapy.The research findings suggested microdoses of “magic truffles” increased two forms of thinking. These are divergent (coming up with many solutions) and convergent thinking (finding one successful solution) which are linked to creativity and problem-solving.
Disclaimer About Research Findings
This research in no way suggests magic mushrooms are the cure for everyone’s depression. Participants in these clinical trials are patients who’ve:- Had depression for many years
- Tried many different treatments
- Seen many different healthcare professionals
For the majority of my life, I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression. I have been to more doctors than I can count. I can’t believe that the pharma crooks are still in business. Mind Mend has changed my life!” – Judith Marie
Psilocybin Therapy Works
Intentional use of a psychedelic like psilocybin mushrooms is transformative when handled responsibly.Experience the transformative power of psilocybin mushrooms with Mind Mend. If you’re ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, our trusted brand is here to guide you. Explore our high-quality selection of psilocybin products and discover the potential within. Choose Mind Mend for a safe and enlightening psilocybin experience. Order at Mind Mend today!