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LSD and Microdosing: What Studies Reveal About Mood and Connections

Microdosing LSD

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you took really small amounts of LSD and how it might affect your feelings and thoughts? Well, two important studies have looked into this very question, and we’re here to explain what they discovered.

First, let’s talk about microdosing. This is when people take tiny amounts of drugs like LSD, not enough to make them hallucinate but just enough to potentially have subtle effects on their mood and thinking. It has become kind of a trend lately, with some folks believing that microdosing can make them more creative, improve their mood, and make them feel better overall. These two studies we’re going to discuss were designed to figure out if there’s any truth to these claims.

In simple terms, these studies set out to explore whether taking a little bit of LSD can make people feel and think differently, in a positive way, without causing the wild and trippy experiences that LSD is famous for. So, in the next few paragraphs, we’ll dive into what these studies did, what they discovered, and what it all means for the world of microdosing LSD. Whether you’re curious, skeptical, or just looking for some cool science, we’ll break it down for you, so you can better understand how microdosing might affect our minds and contribute to mood improvement.

Study 1: Exploring the Impact of Psychedelics: A Closer Look at the Yale University Study[1]


Imagine going to a music festival with thousands of people, where scientists from Yale University are studying how certain drugs, like LSD and magic mushrooms, affect the way we feel and connect with others. Over 1,200 festival-goers in the UK and the US became a part of this fascinating study.


Long-lasting Feelings of Well-being:

The researchers discovered that when people use psychedelic drugs just for fun, it can make them feel better for a long time afterwards. Even after the initial “high” is over, the positive effects linger.

Meaningful Experiences and Connection:

People who have recently tried drugs like LSD and magic mushrooms often describe their experiences as more than just fun – they find them deeply meaningful. These experiences have the power to bring about profound changes in how they see the world and connect with others. 

Imagine taking a trip with these substances, not just for kicks, but to explore the inner workings of your mind. It’s like peeling back the layers of your thoughts and feelings and gaining a whole new perspective on life. 

These experiences go beyond the usual highs and lows of everyday life – they can be life-altering.

Exploring the Impact of Psychedelics

One of the most fascinating things about these experiences is how they can shake up your values. People who’ve taken these drugs often find themselves rethinking what truly matters to them. It’s as if these substances can help you see the world through a different lens, making you question your beliefs and what you hold dear.

But that’s not all; these experiences also tend to make you feel more connected to the world and the people in it. It’s like suddenly realizing that we’re all part of a bigger picture, and it can lead to more empathy and a desire for more meaningful relationships. So, while trying these substances might sound like an adventure, it can also be a journey of self-discovery and a chance to see the world in a whole new light.

Real-life Good Vibes

Real-life Good Vibes:

People often wonder if the positive vibes people get from using psychedelics in their everyday lives are just a result of the special conditions in a lab setting. Well, here’s some interesting news: those good feelings are actually quite real and not just something that happens in a controlled environment.

So, let’s break it down. When scientists study the effects of psychedelics like LSD and magic mushrooms, they often do it in a carefully controlled laboratory setting. They watch how people’s moods and thoughts change, and they’ve found that these substances can lead to really positive experiences. People feel happier, more connected, and sometimes even more insightful during these experiments.

Now, what’s cool is that those same positive effects seem to spill over into people’s everyday lives. It’s not like you take a trip in the lab and then go back to feeling normal once you leave. 

No, the good vibes can stick around. People report feeling happier, more open-minded, and more connected to others even after the psychedelic experience is over. 

So, it’s not just a laboratory phenomenon; it’s something that can have a lasting impact on how you feel and interact with the world outside the lab. It’s like a little burst of positivity that can extend into your daily life, making it even more interesting to explore the potential of these substances.


The Power of Timing:

Now, what’s interesting is that the study showed that the effects are strongest when you’ve taken psychedelics recently, like within the past 24 hours. It’s almost like the closer you are to the time you took them, the more intense the experience is. 

But it’s also important to note that as time passes, these hallucinogenic effects start to fade, but often the feeling of joy and connection remain. So, when it comes to psychedelics, timing seems to be a key factor in how strong the impact can be. 

It’s kind of like catching a wave at its peak – the closer you are to the moment, the bigger the ride.

The Power of Timing

Proceed With Caution:

Incomplete Picture:

While the study uncovered many positive aspects, it’s essential to note that it didn’t look into the potential bad things that can happen when people use psychedelic drugs. There might be risks or negative effects that need further investigation.

More Questions to Answer:

The study opens up new questions, and scientists agree that more research is necessary to fully understand the positive and negative sides of using psychedelic drugs. It’s like solving a puzzle where we need all the pieces to see the whole picture.


In summary, this study from Yale University has given us a glimpse into how psychedelic drugs can bring about positive changes in feelings and connections. However, there’s still much to learn, and scientists are eager to explore the complete story, including any possible risks or downsides. It’s an exciting journey of discovery!

Study 2: Microdosing with LSD[2]

LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide, is a kind of psychedelic substance that people sometimes use for fun. Some scientists think it might also help with mental health problems like feeling really sad (treatment-resistant depression) or too worried (anxiety). Imagine it like a tool that might change the way people think and feel, but it’s not like regular medicine you get from the doctor.

Now, besides using a lot of LSD at once to explore these potential benefits, some folks are also looking into something called “microdosing.” This is when you take a teeny tiny bit of the regular dose, just one-tenth of it. 

It’s like dipping your toe in the water instead of jumping in – you get a little taste but not the full swim. People think this small amount won’t mess up their everyday lives but might still make their brains work better or make them feel happier.

Flow LSD- elevate your mind
The History of LSD Research

A microdose is considered to be about 6 to 10 mcg, which is like having just a sprinkle of the whole thing. But some folks take even less and experience wonderful effects! It’s kind of like some people are guessing how much to take, and it might be different for each person.

So, it’s like a mix of science and guesswork when people decide how much of this stuff to take in smaller doses. Just like how some people need more or less coffee to wake up in the morning, it seems like everyone’s body reacts a bit differently to microdosing with LSD.


Boosting Positivity with Low Doses:

The study found that taking low doses of LSD, ranging from 5 to 20 micrograms (mcg), could actually make people feel happier, friendlier, and more energized. It’s like a small sprinkle of positivity!

Navigating the Emotional Landscape:

However, not everyone experienced only sunshine and rainbows. Some participants reported feeling confused when they took 20 mcg of LSD, while others felt anxiety with doses of 5 and 20 mcg. It’s like different people going on unique emotional journeys.

Individual Differences in the Psychedelic Symphony:

What makes this study even more intriguing is that people didn’t respond the same way to the exact doses of LSD. It’s like each person has their own unique playlist, and LSD plays a different tune for each individual. Some might dance to joy, while others may feel a bit out of sync.

Individual Differences in the Psychedelic Symphony


The Promise of Microdosing:

The study suggests that microdosing with small amounts of LSD might be a promising way to enhance mood and attention. It’s like discovering a tiny key that could unlock a door to a brighter emotional and cognitive world.

Proceed With Caution

Again, Proceed With Caution:

If you have a family history of schizophrenia or bi-polar you should be careful. Avoid of you are taking tramadol or lithum as these could lead to heart issues or exacerbate symptoms. 

Microdosing is generally safe for most people. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t proceed with caution and take the above considerations into account.


In the grand exploration of psychedelics and microdosing with LSD, these findings offer us a glimpse into the potential ways these substances can influence our feelings and thoughts. However, it’s just the beginning of the adventure, and there’s much more to uncover. 

Imagine it as a map with hidden treasures, and scientists are still figuring out where “X” marks the spot. So, as you navigate the world of curiosity, always remember to approach these substances with utmost caution — it’s a journey filled with wonders, but also with dangers.

If this article has resonated with you and you’re thinking about experimenting with psychedelics, like psilocybin mushrooms or LSD, please contact us here at Mind Mend. We have experts in the field who can answer all your questions.



[1] Magic mushrooms and LSD give sustained boost in mood after recreational use, study concludes

[2] Mood and cognition after administration of low LSD doses in healthy volunteers: A placebo controlled dose-effect finding

Author: Nadia R.P.W. Hutten,Natasha L. Mason,Patrick C. Dolder,Eef L. Theunissen,Friederike Holze,Matthias E. Liechti,Amanda Feilding,Johannes G. Ramaekers,Kim P.C. Kuypers

Publication: European Neuropsychopharmacology

Publisher: Elsevier

Date: December 2020

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