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Mind Mend Mushroom

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Colorful crayons as a metaphor for the diverse effects of psychedelics

Psychedelics and Whether They’re Non-Addictive There has been a resurgence of interest in psychedelics, with growing scientific research exploring their potential therapeutic applications. This renewed attention has also sparked conversations about the...

Graphic of the hippocampus, key to understanding PTSD and psilocybin's effects

What You Need To Know About Treating PTSD with Psilocybin Imagine being so scared of something that it feels like a monster is hiding in your closet, even though you know it’s...

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Frequently Asked Questions

Microdosing is the practice of consuming tiny doses of psychedelic drugs (in our case, psilocybin mushrooms). In pharmaceutical terms, microdosing refers to the minimum effective dose, which is typically between 1/10 and 1/2 the average amount. Users consume the lowest possible dose to achieve the desired effects without triggering any negative side effects.  These small doses typically do not produce the hallucinatory or psychedelic effects associated with mushrooms, meaning the dose is “sub-perceptual.” Users microdose for a wide variety of psychological and physical benefits. These benefits may include higher productivity, increased energy and focus and boosted creativity, in addition to lower anxiety, stress, depression, and more.

Psilocybin is one of the safest substances you can find and much safer than alcohol, especially when taken in microdoses. Microdosing is proven to be safe and non-habit forming. We advise that you not exceed the recommended dosage and frequency. This is because you don’t want to extend beyond your limits and potentially experience some unwanted side effects, such as temporary loss of body function and/or muscle weakness. Keep in mind experiences like that are not common and will go away in a few hours. Just be sure to follow the dosage instructions.

When it comes to microdosing, we recommend starting at a very lose dose, preferably on a weekend, to see how your body responds. Two days later, dose again based on your initial experience, increasing very slowly. Once you get into a routine, the recommended schedule is to microdose in the morning and take two or three days off between doses. We’ve got a full breakdown on dosing that you can read here Do not microdose daily as you can build up a tolerance.

Possibly, yes. Exciting studies are ongoing to prove that psilocybin can helppeople quit smoking. There is reason to believe that psilocybin may have the potential to treat addiction to alcohol, cocaine, and other substances. Plenty of research is currently in the works, and psilocybin does indeed show the potential to offer an alternative option for addiction treatment.

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