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How‌ Does ‌Magic‌ ‌Mushrooms‌ ‌Help‌ ‌You‌ ‌Deal‌ ‌With‌ ‌a‌ ‌Complicated‌ ‌Migraine‌

Nervous stressed female student feeling headache studying
It’s 3:30 am.And I’m awake. Not because I’m reading a book or scrolling through social media.Any sound, including a pin drop, exacerbates the pounding in my head. Any form of brightness sends me reeling into further pain.So I sit still. I can’t move. I’m now holding my head between my palms. The pain is too excruciating. I want to cry in despair but I can’t.I want nothing but total darkness.…And total silence.…And some very strong painkillers.Why? You ask.Migraine. Complex migraine.It’s now 10 years since I began suffering from migraines. I get them about 15 times a month. Three of which are intense attacks. No matter what pain-relieving drugs I take, the pain still clings to me as if its life depends on my head’s throbbing.These migraines come without warning. They spring up on me like an infuriating itch then leave for a day or two. Sometimes three days if I’m lucky. Only to be back with a bang — literally.I have dined with this invisible ailment more times than I would’ve loved.Anthony Peake, says this about his headache experience:I felt like the top of my head was lifting off. It was moving upwards toward the ceiling. I then noticed that the office seemed to be getting smaller as if I was looking at it from the wrong end of a telescope.”According to the Migraine Research Foundation, migraine is an extraordinarily prevalent neurological disease. This disease affects 39 million men, women, and children in the U.S. and 1 billion worldwide.

The two main drawbacks of migraine prescription drugs as a form of treatment are;

  1. They don’t completely erase the ailment.
  2. They have side effects such as dizziness, fatigue, nausea, hyperacidity, low appetite, etc.And this is where magic mushrooms come to the rescue — for you and me.

Magic Mushrooms and Complex Migraine

Magic mushrooms containing psilocybin have become a subject of interest for headache medicine after many studies. Psilocybin is found in these mushrooms, similar to triptans used by migraine sufferers.While triptans are mainly effective in discontinuing migraines, psilocybin, which can be consumed through micro-dosing of psilocybin mushrooms, has shown potential in stopping, reducing, and preventing migraines, including cluster headaches.

A Fashion Writer’s Experience with Magic Mushrooms: Insights from A. Khan of New York

I’m on mushrooms right now. Just a small amount, about half the size of my pinky nail. I’m not hallucinating or anything. but for the past couple of months, I’ve been taking a regular, tiny dose of psilocybin ‘shrooms every few days. And life has never been better. It’s called “micro-dosing”.My main goal was to see if it could help rid me of my crippling migraines.My head doesn’t hurt while I’m micro-dosing. I generally have a headache when I wake up, but it disappears after I take my morning micro dose.”

Can Micro dosing Psilocybin Help Treat Migraine Headaches?

Anecdotally, yes.Psilocybin from “magic” mushrooms is converted to psilocin once ingested. It then becomes a partial booster for serotonin receptors called 5-HT receptors. Specifically the 5-HT(2a) and 5-HT(2b) receptors.Research has shown that the use of psilocybin mushrooms can potentially provide relief for individuals suffering from headache disorders. Psilocybin, as a serotonergic psychedelic, can affect serotonin levels in the brain, which can help regulate pain signals and reduce headache frequency. However, it’s important to note that using psilocybin mushrooms for headache disorders is still in its early stages. More research is needed to fully understand its potential benefits and risks. Nonetheless, the potential of psilocybin mushrooms as a new form of headache medicine has generated interest among migraine sufferers and healthcare professionals alike.The receptors targeted by psilocybin induce a psychedelic experience.

How Is Psilocybin Used for Migraine Headache Treatment?

The first method is by taking a psychoactive dose, that’s equivalent to 3 grams of the mushroom.The other method that’s recommended to deal with migraine is by taking micro-doses. This method is called microdosing.Microdosing is the practice of taking small effective doses, normally under 0.5 grams. This means that you can achieve relief without activating any negative side effects.Hence you won’t experience the psychedelic effects associated with magic mushrooms.
We are at the threshold of an explosion in the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of migraine. Plus with the help of MRF, more answers will soon be found.” — Joel Saper, MD, Research Advisory Board Chair
Read more on microdosing on our FAQ page.

Types of Migraine

Migraine without aura

The most commonly experienced type of migraine by migraine sufferers is , which typically starts without any warning signs.

Chronic migraine

A type of migraine that happens at least 15 days per month for more than three months, and it can be challenging to manage migraines when they happen this frequently.

Menstrual migraine

Menstrual migraine – is linked to a woman’s menstrual cycle and can happen before, during, or after menstruation, affecting women who experience migraines.

Vestibular migraine

Vestibular migraine is connected to problems with balance, dizziness, and vertigo, which can be difficult to manage migraine for those who experience them.

Hemiplegic migraine

It is a rare type that can cause temporary paralysis on one side of the body and has been studied as a possible candidate for psilocybin mushroom treatment.

Migraine With Aura Symptoms

Most people who suffer ‘migraine with aura (MwA)’ are very likely to experience most if not all symptoms of ‘migraine without aura (MwoA)’. The American Headache Society says that MwA is mostly associated with extreme photophobia. Additional sensory symptoms occur over a 20-minute episode and less than an hour.
Fifty shade of migraine
Some of the visual disturbance symptoms are;
  • Seeing stars/sparkles – If you see flashing or twinkling lights that resemble stars or sparkles, it could be a symptom of a visual migraine. However, it can also be caused by physical exertion, low blood pressure, or eye strain.
  • Blind spots – A blind spot is an area in your vision where you cannot see clearly and may appear as a dark or blurry patch. Eye damage, a migraine aura, or a neurological condition can cause it.
  • Flashing lights – Seeing flashing lights may be a symptom of a visual migraine or caused by other eye conditions, such as retinal detachment or injury, or neurological conditions, such as epilepsy.
  • Zigzag lines – It can be a visual disturbance during a migraine aura. These lines may move or shimmer and can be colored or black and white.
  • Colored spots – Colored spots are visual disturbances that can occur during a migraine aura. These spots may appear as flashing lights, colored spots, or geometric shapes.
  • Temporary blindness – Temporary blindness is a sudden loss of vision lasting from a few seconds to several minutes. It can be caused by a migraine, retinal artery occlusion, or transient ischemic attack (TIA).
  • Tunnel vision – Tunnel vision is a narrowing of the visual field, which makes it feel like you’re looking through a tunnel. It can be caused by eye damage, glaucoma, or neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis.
Other symptoms include;
  • Tingling or numbness – A sensation of pins and needles or a loss of feeling in a part of the body. This may occur as a side effect of administering psilocybin, particularly at higher doses, and can be a symptom of cluster headache patients who experience a delayed headache.
  • Dizziness – Feeling unsteady or lightheaded, which may cause a person to feel like they are about to faint.
  • Vertigo – a form of dizziness that makes people feel like they or their surroundings are spinning or moving.
  • Fragility on one side of the body – refers to a weakness or loss of muscle control that affects only one side.
  • ‘Needles and pins’ feeling in the legs and arms – A sensation of pins and needles or a tingling feeling in the legs and arms.
  • Confusion, fear, and sometimes partial paralysis – A state of disorientation or fear, which may be accompanied by a loss of muscle control on one side of the body.
  • Hearing and speech problems – Difficulty hearing or speaking, which a neurological condition or other medical problem may cause.
The subtypes of migraine with aura are;
  • Hemiplegic migraine – It is a type of migraine headache that causes a transient loss of muscle control or a temporary loss of strength on one side of the body.
  • Brainstem aura – It is a type of migraine aura that can cause transient headaches, and involves a disruption in the function of the brainstem, resulting in symptoms such as dizziness, difficulty speaking, and double vision. Pain relief may be sought through various medications or therapies.
  • Retinal migraine – It is an uncommon form of migraine that causes temporary vision loss or blindness in one eye, and may be accompanied by other migraine symptoms such as headache or nausea.

What Is the Rarest Type of Migraine?

The rarest type of migraine headache is the hemiplegic migraine. The term hemiplegic simply refers to numbness on one side of the body.If you suffer from hemiplegic migraine, you’ll undergo a short-term fragility on one side of your body. A feeling of numbness will most likely follow. Vision troubles, confusion, and speech difficulties may be experienced as well. This might be a petrifying event as the manifestation is similar to that of a stroke.Usually, the paralysis may last for less than 24 hours.However, in the worst cases, it may go from one hour to several days. A headache may be absent or present.What Triggers Hemiplegic Migraine Symptoms?It’s vital to be cognizant of the mechanism behind the hemiplegic migraine headache.The nervous system and the brain rely on a fusion of chemical and electrical signals to function.When an electrical nerve of ample strength flows from one nerve cell to another, it unlocks a ‘conduit’. This conduit behaves like a ‘gate’. The neurotransmitters released alert the nearest cells and communicate what response to give.If a channel or conduit in the brain isn’t functioning well, neurotransmitters such as serotonin will be released abnormally. This is the case with hemiplegic migraine. The dysfunction of the channel contributes to the condition.

Types of Hemiplegic Migraine

There are two types of hemiplegic migraine:
  • Sporadic hemiplegic migraine (SHM).
  • Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM).
Let’s explore this in-depth below.

Familial Hemiplegic Migraine

Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) refers to migraine attacks that occur in two or more individuals who belong to the same family. These individuals are faced with fragility on one side of their bodies as a result of the migraine.More often than not, 50% of children with a parent who suffers from hemiplegic migraine will possess this headache disorder.In FHM, three non-identical genes have been implicated. A chromosome 19 defect gene has been picked out in almost half of the lineage where FHM occurs. This brings about the dysfunction of the related calcium channel. This triggers a chain of biochemical alterations that end up in a migraine attack.Other families have chromosome 1. This chromosome changes the conduct of a channel ― which necessitates cell energy. Still, in other families, chromosome 2 with a sodium conduit gene is altered. Hence causing the complicated migraine.These three genes don’t account for all FHM cases. More genetic reasons are likely to be found in future research processes.

Sporadic Hemiplegic Migraine

You’re considered to have SHM if you experience all the signs of FHM without any familial connection.The genesis of SHM is unknown. Some causes of this type of migraine are said to be a result of sporadic gene mutations.Based on research, people suffering from SHM usually undergo four typical aura symptoms during migraine attacks. They include;
  • Sensory
  • Motor
  • Visual
  • Aphasic
Motor weaknesses experienced are usually one-sided and often in the arms.

Diagnosis and Treatment

A solid diagnosis must be made when you have the symptoms of either FHM or SHM. The diagnosis must include an exhaustive evaluation of your family history (genetic testing) and symptoms you experience during the migraine headache attacks.Ensure that you get specialist advice so that you don’t commence on an imprecise treatment regimen. For instance, you should refrain from triptans during the aura episode of FHM or SHM. Triptans are frequently prescribed to treat other common types of headache disorders.According to the American Headache Society, it’s important to have realistic treatment goals for complicated migraines. The treatment goals should focus on the severity reduction of headache disorders.

How Microdosing for Migraines with Mind Mend Can Help You Take Control of Your Headaches

With Mind Mend, you can be on your way to experience a significant reduction in severity, intensity, and frequency of migraine attacks.Microdosing with Mind Mend products is a better treatment than prescription drugs.Additional advantages include constructive changes in personal conduct, depressive, and anti-anxiety properties. This contributes towards turning the battle tide against neuro-inflammation which causes migraine headaches.
Smart Shrooms
Smart Shrooms
We have a microdosing guide that can assist you in this process if you’re a newbie.Shop our product options today. We have Magic Mushrooms, Shroom Gummies, and Shroom Capsules.

Are you tired of suffering from migraines? Take control of your health and explore the benefits and best practices of micro-dosing with psilocybin. Visit our website today to access a range of resources and start your journey toward natural relief.

We sure do hope to see you on the other side of a headache-free world.

Featured Image: by yanalya

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